Patrasch Academy

Having your own dog play a role in a counseling program can be quite a challenge. Different breeds represent different qualities but also different challenges. That means that with this training we aim for a calm, stable dog that likes to hang out with others, is easy to handle and responds well to commands when taken to rescue contexts – for dogs often places with many stress-related elements.
The class series is primarily practical in structure so that you can get started with your dog afterwards.
The dog and owner duo will be given tools that will need to be practiced daily. Assignments and tasks will be given by the next lesson so that each new foundation can be built upon.
One should be aware, that the training of “working dogs” is a continuous process that does not stop after the class series.
Guiding a dog to a counseling context deals only with the dog’s attitude and the owner-dog relationship. It does not deal with substantive counseling or therapy although targeted commands can be taught depending on the counseling goals.
Classes are held on Thursday mornings from 9:30 am – 12 pm in Oostakker. There are 10 lessons where the last lesson will be an evaluation moment.
Classes will take place at VZW Patrasche, will take place outdoors and a maximum of 6 participants per group will be allowed. The series is intended for people working in counseling who want to use their own dog in their work context.
PRICE: €850


Professional counseling with the assistance of animals ( Animal Assisted Therapy ) for various target groups in the welfare sector is still in its infancy in the counseling landscape in Flanders, especially with regard to the professional handling of therapeutic mechanisms in which objectives are achieved not only with clients but also with the animals. Patrasche is unique in its approach in integrity and dignity, both to the clients and to the animals.
If you would like to get started with your own dog but are unsure about training, preparation and guidelines to go about it, then this extension module will help you in a practical way.
Would you like info on deploying animals in an educational or outreach setting ?
Then request an introduction: = half a day or evening
or customized coaching: introduction + 3 coaching moments on site. Note. This will not be a BLAD program but rather the updating of already existing initiatives with animals on site.
Per half day / coaching moment : 300 euros 
However, the purposeful involving of an animal as a partner in a counseling process involves a lot of criteria and specific knowledge regarding the combination of animals, people and counseling goals. After all, working with animals involves a double responsibility: both for the client and for the animal. Both need to experience lasting and positive effects. In addition, the creation of a different type of counseling context, both substantive and formal, is also an important component in this method.